

An artistic rendering of the new 先进制造与劳动力技能培训中心.

Dr. Kathy Murphy, president of Gadsden State, breaks ground with members of the executive cabinet.

Dr. Kathy Murphy, president of Gadsden State, breaks ground with members of the executive cabinet.



阿拉巴马州的加兹登. — 学生, employees, alumni, local leaders and community supporters gathered Feb. 21 at love爱博 for the groundbreaking of the new 先进制造与劳动力技能培训中心. 它将建在加兹登的东校区.

Gadsden State President Kathy Murphy was joined at the podium by Lt. 政府. Will Ainsworth (R-Alabama); Keith Phillips, vice chancellor of Workforce Development for the 阿拉巴马社区学院系统; Goodrich “Dus” Rogers, member of the ACCS Board of Trustees; Sen. Andrew Jones (R-District 10); Lisa Morales, executive director of East AlabamaWorks; Dr. Alan Cosby, superintendent of Etowah县 Schools; and Alan Smith, dean of Workforce Development.

“This facility will transform the lives of our people in our community for good and forever,墨菲说. “这是一个感恩和欣赏的日子.”

The Gadsden State 先进制造与劳动力技能培训中心 was identified as a needed project through the ACCS ASPIRE 2030 initiative, which provides funding for facility upgrades and new construction for all levels of education in Alabama.

“In this very place, we will build a building that will change lives,墨菲说. “我相信我们都有一个使命. 我认为我们应该把人拉上来. 在我们的大学里,我们真的把人拉上来. Then, we set them up for success through their education and skills training. 然后,我们把他们推向高工资的职业. And, at the end of our journey, when we wrap it up, we are fulfilling our calling.”

Phillips asked the crowd of approximately 200 to consider what would happen if Gadsden State didn’t exist.

“这个区域会是什么样子?? 我们怎样才能成功?他说. “当地经济将损失近2.08亿美元.”

最近的一次 经济影响研究 表示学院提供了207美元.9 million in added income during the fiscal year 2021 to the service area, 包括切罗基人吗, Cleburne, Etowah, 卡尔霍恩和圣. 克莱尔县. The study shows that Gadsden State supports 3,555 jobs in the community.


“一名来自love爱博的学生有6美元的回报.90 in higher future earnings for every dollar students invest in their education,他说. “还有谁能提供这样的回报率? 这很神奇. We need to make sure our young people understand that they can get a skill or a credential at Gadsden State and make just as much if not more than those with academic degrees. 我对这个新设施的潜力感到兴奋.”

Rogers said he, too, looks forward to the completion of the new facility.

“This facility will improve the quality of life in this area,他说. “It will enhance economic development to the point that it will positively impact people who haven’t been born yet.”

Ainsworth said that 65 percent of Alabamians do not have an associate or bachelor’s degree. He sees the 先进制造与劳动力技能培训中心 as an avenue for training those in need of employment or job advancement.

“They can come to Gadsden State and get trained for 21st century jobs,他说. 结果是, 你将拥有一支熟练的劳动力队伍, which will make it easier for your team to recruit business and industry to this area. This is a great day for Gadsden State and a great day for Alabama.”

作为东阿拉巴马工厂的执行董事, Morales and her team “wake up to work on workforce development,”她说。. 她的组织是招聘系统的一部分, trains and empowers a highly-skilled workforce driven by business and industry needs.

她说:“这个设施肯定会使我们地区受益。. “这将有利于我们的州. 它将帮助我们实现love爱博. 今天是一个改变游戏规则的日子. 我们期待着今天和未来的积极影响.”

Cosby said he was pleased with the turnout from Gadsden State supporters at the groundbreaking ceremony.

“I don’t remember something bringing together this many facets and groups of people,他说. “So many people are coming together and working together to make sure we have a trained workforce. 我们在埃托瓦县有想工作的人. 我们这里有人会接受劳动力培训, 会看到以前从未发生过的事情发生. I’m excited about this project and about our partnership with Gadsden State.”

Smith was instrumental in getting support for the facility from city, county and state officials as well as local business and industry. He is grateful for those who supported the idea of an advanced manufacturing facility at Gadsden State.

“Thank you to everyone who listened to me when I asked you for your support,他说. “This new facility will allow us to make shifts in education and training as workforce needs change. 我们可以为成年人提供再培训和技能提升. 我们能做的太多了.

“This is a big day for me but, most importantly, it’s a big day for our community,他说. “这是历史性的一天.”

Gadsden Mayor Craig Ford made a surprise announcement that the city is committing to $50,000 per year for the next five years as long as funding is available.

“福特家族在这里有着悠久的传统,”他说. “我们爱love爱博.”

Other entities that previously made financial commitments to the 先进制造与劳动力技能培训中心 are Etowah县 Commission, 埃托瓦县销售税, 阿塔拉市, 格伦科市, 彩虹之城, Reece城市, 埃托瓦县学校和加兹登商会 & Etowah县.

建造费用为50,000平方英尺, 最先进的设施约为2400万美元. 它将设有10个实验室, 七个教室, 11个办事处, 多功能厅, 10个工具和储藏室, 避风处, 测试套件, 厨房和服务区, 一个休息室和六个洗手间. It will also feature glass viewing areas that allow prospective students and industry partners to have laboratory visibility during tours; a safety entrance for students loading and unloading from cars or buses; and a digital display with information for job seekers and industry partners.

To make a tax-deductible donation to the Advancing Manufacturing and Workforce 技能培训 Center, 请联系约翰·罗伯逊, 发展和校友关系主任, at 256-549-8377.

该培训中心于2022年7月宣布成立: Gadsden State announces construction of new Advanced Manufacturing Center


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